For several years now, Zad Moultaka, born in Lebanon in 1967, has pursued personal research in the visual and musical languages. In his work as composer, he integrates fundamental data of contemporary western writing – structures, trends, families and signs – with characters specific to Arab music: monody, heterophony, modality, rhythms, vocality. This research touches on numerous spheres of experimentation.

Beginning in 2003, the slow maturation of one form of highly personal expression gave rise to a series of works, with output gradually developing and ranging from choral to ensemble music, chamber to solo vocal, opera to electro-acoustic, from film music to sound installations and choreography.

At the same time, his activity as a painter has intensified since 2011. Increasingly daring, it is blossoming in Beirut, Abu Dhabi, Venice, Paris and at the  57th International Biennale of Contemporary Art in Venice (May-November 2017).

He has a complex personality that pushes him to untiringly decipher the enigmas and resistances that arise in him, questioning history, memory, the contemporary world, and exploring limits and dreams with this feeling of urgency peculiar to creators. He is driven by the same concern, the same urgency in his quest for uncompromising, contemporary Arab expression.

Residences 2015-18:

- IRCAM (2015-17)

- Arab World Institute, Paris (2016-18)

- Ensemble 2e2m (2017)

- Arsenal Metz-en-Scène (2017-18)


