Lalina Goddard studied Philosophy and Musicology at KU Leuven, where she developed a passion for the aesthetics of music and opera. Since graduating, she has taught a number of courses at the Department of Musicology (KU Leuven) and in June 2021 her listening guide to Così fan tutte, commissioned by Opera Ballet Vlaanderen, was published by Leuven University Press. Today she is a dramaturg at Klarafestival. Alongside this she has for several years been collaborating intensively as a music dramaturg with director and musical theatre maker Tom Goossens, which resulted in the performances Così (2018), Le Nozze (2019), Rigoletto (2021) and a new opera production of L’Heure espagnole (2021). In 2022 she collaborated with the Ragazze Quartet on the chamber opera The World’s Wife, directed by Jorinde Keesmaat. Other future projects include De Barbier (2022) from DESCHONECOMPANIE and Goossens’ new production of Le Nozze di Figaro which will premiere in 2023 at Opera Ballet Vlaanderen. 

Photo: Nel Berens





Musical Dramaturgy


Musical Dramaturgy

Musical Dramaturgy