Soldering together contemporary and classical music, dance, visual art and fashion, Aïda Gabriëls wends her way through the performing arts.

In 2016 she made her debut with the multifaceted soundscape opera Medeamaterial, in which a soprano and double bassist latch on to Heiner Müller’s stubborn dilemma in the form of a poem. Later she had two dancers, live video and a percussionist address the question of guilt in I am the enemy you killed,  my friend, which took Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem as its starting point. With Vacuum the nightclub is put forward as an immersive playground. Electronica, post-rock, dance and light art make up the ingredients of this transdisciplinary spectacle, which focuses on Chaoskampf. With a similarly interdisciplinary intent, her reflection on the historically fatal Salomé figure in Dance of the seven veils aims to subvert vested assumptions and existing ideas. Aïda Gabriëls creates together with dramaturges Tessa Vannieuwenhuyze and Ylona Supèr under the name oester. Oester creations centre around a contemporary reflection on the opera genre.



creative consultant

Concept | Direction

Concept | Direction

Concept | Direction