Timo Tembuyser ( °1991, Aalst (BE)) is an Antwerp & Rotterdam based performer, vocalist, composer and theatre maker.

Mending his backgrounds in architecture, theatre and music, he works with ensembles of voices to create space(s) for honest listening. He composes polyphonic scores that weave all different voices and stances equally into one another - colliding into harmony, c a C ° pH O N y, ( silence ) .. . .. . . .. … .. . … & everything in between. His latest work Missa Mater Sola (2O22) - a danced choir ritual on the mother archetype - was nominated for the BNG Bank Theatre Prize at the Dutch Theatre Festival in 2022 and is still on tour. The longing to unite is deeply rooted in Timo’s practice. A child of divorced parents living in completely separate worlds, a queer kid in a catholic school, … he always looked for truth and connection. As an eternal nomad, he hopped from place to place, from project from project, from school to school. After completing a Bachelor & Master’s in Architecture & City Planning at Ghent University (2014), Timo was trained as an Actor & Theatre Maker at the Toneelacademie in Maastricht (2019). Aside from these studies, Timo found the most important keys to his practice while living in communities in Greece and Portugal and while being initiated in shamanism and plant-based medicine by the Shipibo Tribe in the Peruvian Amazon. After some years in the work field, Timo started the Master of Music Program at Fontys, Tilburg (2024), focussing on Music Theatre & Singing. His intention is - once more - to unite and integrate his experiences within music, theatre, architecture & spirituality.


+31 (0) 657 738 579 -  timo.tembuyser@hotmail.com

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/timo_tembuyser

linked-in  - https://www.linkedin.com/in/timo-tembuyser-b638b182/

Photo: Bas De Brouwer



Creation | Performance

Concept | Direction | Choreography | A body of sons (singers) | Scenography

Composition | Cast


Concept | Composition | Text | Vocals | Play