Ewout Lehoucq (1987) is a performer, theatre-maker, singer (bass-baritone/countertenor) and cellist.

While a member of the Flanders Opera children’s chorus (1995-99) he discovers the love for opera and music-theatre (La Bohème, Turandot, Cinderella, Let’s Make an Opera etc.)

From 1999 to 2001 he acted in the Flemish television series Wittekerke, studied cello under Rigo Messens (1995-2005) and gained orchestral experience in the Ghent Symphony Orchestra (Jemoo) under the conductor Geert Soenen (2004-2017).

While studying literature (UA) he adapted several songs for performance with a simple piano or cello accompaniment and he travels the world as a troubadour.

In 2010 he experimented with cello sounds in the surrealistic production De gemarmerde wortelboorder (Dries Gijsels, de symptomen) at De Studio and performed in the production Er was eens (Daphné Verhelst, Villanella, Laika, detheatermaker).

From 2012 to 2015 he studied Drama & Acting at the Royal Conservatoire in Antwerp (AP).

Since 2014, Ewout has performed with the music-theatre companies Badmeester & Margarita and de eeuwigwachtende hoeren and since 2017 has given weekly concerts of new arrangements of classical music, oldies, chanson and gipsy swing jazz together with the pianist and accordionist Isaak Duerinck and trumpeter and guitarist Simon Dhaen.

Since 2009 he has organised monthly salon café concerts in Antwerp together with his house-mates.

In 2017 he created and performed in the cabaret production Les Âmes Perdues, which opened in his living room. Together with Isaak Duerinck, Alexandra Oppo and Naomi Beeldens he was offered a two-year residence at Muziektheater Transparant (TRANSLAB).

In the 2017-18 season they gave performances of the cabaret production Les Âmes Perdues (directed by Wouter Van Looy) and of the music-theatre adaptation of gruesome fairytales from Struwwelpeter (Zonzo Compagnie). They also created a socio-artistic production for the Blok-Bloc festival in association with Laika. In the 2018-19 season they performed their hearts out with deRoovers in Het Bezoek (F. Dürrenmatt) and in Vaarwel Dijkzigt at the Operadagen Rotterdam.

In 2019 Ewout plays cello in the performance Nachten - ballets de la nuit by Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe and with Les Âmes Perdues he makes a performance for  ‘the Night of the Imagination’ in Ghent. With Katrin Lohmann, Jo Thielemans, and Wouter Van Looy Les Âmes Perdues made Every Ending, a music-theatre adaptation of Heiner Müller’s Quartett, a Lynchian trip, which opened during the last Wintervuur festival in Antwerp.

Due to covid, many performances were postponed for a year and they make in the recording studio a podcast / radio play of Every Ending under the title Quartett, which later a.o. plays at O. festival Rotterdam, Toneelhuis, Watou festival (with actress Tania van der Sanden).

In 2020 they worked on their new show Eurovisionary, an idiosyncratic theatrical tribute to 65 years of the Eurovision Song Festival with arrangements by competition winners and personal favourites. The performance premiered at Dakkan and was staged at O.festival, Muziek in de Wijk at Zomer van Antwerpen 2021, Rotterdam Pride...

In late 2020, Les Âmes Perdues performed as Happy New Queer’s in-house band in collaboration with Antwerp Queer Arts festival, Gregory Frateur, Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe and Wim Vanlessen.

In 2021 they created the performances How do you sleep at night, a musical trip through the world of sleep and sleeplessness (Aulos music mgt) and Fortune what have you brewed, a playful musical theatre performance from the Antwerp Songbook, premiered at the Roma as part of the Nyeu Liedeken festival, in collaboration with Walpurgis Muziektheater and Teletext.

Alongside their theatrical activities, Les Âmes Perdues regularly gives concerts and recitals,  averse to genre, eager for playfulness.

In 2022 Ewout created the children’s performance Loopneus with Theater de Spiegel, based on The Nose by Shostakovich and he is working for NTGent as an actor, singer and cellist on the new musical theatre performance Maison Maeterlinck directed by Thom Luz. Maison Maeterlinck will premiere at NTGent in December 2022.




Cello | Vocals

Vocals | Play | Cast

Music | Vocals

Music | Vocals

Music | Vocals

Vocals | Cello