Tom Goossens obtained a Master’s in Drama from KASK in Ghent. in 2016 and 2017 he built up experience as an assistant director with opera director Guy Joosten at the International Opera Academy and at Comp. Marius.  

After completing his Master’s graduation project Don Juan, he worked as a resident at Translab, Muziektheater Transparant’s project for young theatre-makers; and with his own company, DESCHONECOMPANIE, he created Così, Le Nozze and Rigoletto. In early 2019 Goossens wrote and directed his first children’s production, Banket! for Opera Ballet Vlaanderen. From 2019 he worked there in residence, assisting Johan Simons with Don Carlos and FC Bergman with Les Pêcheurs de Perles. Following his semi-scenic direction of Der Jasager at the Vooruit and Opera Antwerpen, last season Opera Ballet Vlaanderen charged him with directing L’ Heure Espagnole by Ravel, his first production with symphony orchestra. 

As an actor, Goossens appeared in the musical theatre performance Berg by Raumteid and in DESCHONECOMPANIE’s fourth performance Rigoletto. In addition to his work in theatre, Goossens also teaches Music-Theatre Training at the Conservatory in Ghent and is completing a PhD at Luca School of Arts.

Photo: Ellen Goegebuer



Concept | Direction | Text

Concept | Text | Direction

Direction I Song lyrics | Cast

Concept | Direction | Text Adaptation

Concept | Direction | Text Adaptation

Editing | Direction

Text | Concept | Direction