Sander De Winne (1987) has performed on stage all his life. In his childhood years he sang and performed in various projects by the Kopergietery youth theatre in Ghent. Here he also worked with the composer/lute player Jan Van Outryve, choreographer Yves Thuwis  and singer and actor Roel van Kerckhoven.

In 2007 De Winne started studying jazz singing at the School of Arts in Ghent, where he was taught by Sofie Verbruggen, Kristen Cornwell, Bart Defoort and Bart Van Caenegem. Sander De Winne then swapped the Conservatoire in Ghent for the Royal Conservatoire in Antwerp. Here his teachers included Kristina Fuchs, Tutu Puoane, Kurt Van Herck and Fay Claassen.            

Between September 2011 and April 2012 De Winne also studied at the prestigious Jazz-Institut Berlin, where his teachers included John Hollenbeck, Kurt Rosenwinkel and Greg Cohen.

In July 2013 De Winne performed in Paard: een opera, a piece by the theatre collective ‘Tibaldus en andere hoeren’. Sander De Winne also performs with his own group, is touring Europe with the FAVOSAN trio and in the meantime is working on a solo project for the autumn of 2014. 

