Lex Bohlmeijer (Oost-Souburg, The Netherlands 1959) had a university education in literature and theatre. Sinds 1988 he is working for the broadcasting company NCRV (currently KRONCRV), mainly for the radio department, with a few experiences as presenter in the television studio’s. Nowadays he is presenting a daily show on NPO Radio4, the national channel for classical music: Passaggio. Besides that he is hosting every sunday the discussion program on classical music, Diskotabel, also on Radio4. Since january 2014 he is producing every two weeks an interview for The Correspondent, online platform for new journalism.

Lex Bohlmeijer was in his twenties member of the Compagnie de Dance l’Esquisse in Paris. He wrote several plays for theatre most of them based on documentary material such as extended interviews, and also some libretti for music theatre. He is active as chairman at debates, congresses and concerts.



