David Moss writes this about his life in music:

"When my father put his arms around me in 1959 and showed me how to play the drums, I was touched by the power, necessity and mystery that music contains.
Drumming and singing have shaped my life ever since.
As percussion mutated into singing, I came into contact with the voices of powerful singers such as Diamanda Galas, Joan La Barbara, Meredith Monk and Demetrio Stratos.
a. strong influences from: J.S. Bach, John Cage, John Coltrane, Charles Ives, Tibetan monks
b. intensive collaborations with Bill Dixon, Christian Marclay, Heiner Goebbels Luciano Berio, Olga Neuwirth, Helmut Oehring
c. performances with hundreds of performers from every genre; thousands of solo and ensemble works (at Berlin Philharmonic Hall,
Carnegie Hall, Ruhr Triennale, Whitney Museum, Walker Art Center, Salzburg Festival, etc.)."

At crucial times in his development he received the recognition and help of a Guggenheim Fellowship, a DAAD Artist-in-Berlin grant, an Interweaving Performance Cultures Center (Free University, Berlin) fellowship.

Today, as director of the Institute for Living Voice (Berlin) and as a vocalist performing around the world, he is able to embody sound and stages in dramatic and surprising ways.

