Bert Haelvoet graduated from the Herman Teirlinck Institute in 2002.

In the theatre he has written and acted in a number of productions by HETPALEIS, as well as performing with Theater Zuidpool, Toneelhuis, Theater Antigone, de Roovers and Abbatoir Fermé. Since 2007 he has been attached to theatre company Het Zesde Bedrijf.

In the feature film De helaasheid der dingen Haelvoet played Nonkel Koen, one of the uncles. He had a major role in Man zkt vrouw, as Maarten, and appeared in two films by Pieter Van Hees, Linkeroever and Dirty Mind. He was one of the actors in the sketch show Wat als?.

As for television, Haelvoet has appeared in Het Geslacht De Pauw, Willy's en Marjetten, Zuidflank, Vriendinnen, Nieuw Texas, 13 Geboden and #hetisingewikkeld. He has had supporting roles in Flikken, Vermist, Zone Stad (‘Left Side Army’ episode), De Ronde [1] and Code 37. He played Guy in the VTM series Spitsbroers.




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