Asko|Schönberg Ensemble is a leading Dutch ensemble that plays twentieth- and twenty-first-century music with various combinations of players. In addition to music by such major established names as Mauricio Kagel, György Kurtág and Karlheinz Stockhausen, this also includes creations by such younger composers as Michel van der Aa, Jörg Widmann and Robert Zuidam, and also of the very youngest generation, where the ink on the score has not yet even dried.

Asko|Schönberg is an ‘ensemble in residence’ at the Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ in Amsterdam and has also performed in a variety of concert halls in the Netherlands and abroad, as well as at festivals in Cologne, Cracow, Paris and elsewhere, and in coproductions with the Nationale Toneel, the Veenfabriek and Muziektheater Transparant.

Asko|Schönberg is also involved in education, with projects for seven-year-olds, secondary schools and master students who wish to gain skills in the performance of contemporary music. 



Musical performance