Director Ivo van Hove presents three plays by Shakespeare, all together during a six-hour performance on the subject of our visual culture and our political mechanisms. A political tour de force!

When it was first performed in 2007, Roman Tragedies made a huge impression. The director Ivo van Hove presented three ‘political’ plays by Shakespeare – Coriolanus, Julius Caesar and Antony & Cleopatra – together in a six-hour performance on the subject of our visual culture, our contemporary political order and the mechanisms that underlie them. The rise and fall of a politician is shown three times. The performance is conceived as a television show in which the audience sits in the middle of the political arena, and is able to move around and follow events in Rome live on stage or on screens inside and outside the auditorium. In the orchestra pit, two members of BL!NDMAN represent the threat of war with their ominous percussion. The manipulation, murder and war taking place in Rome are regularly interrupted by advertisements and news-flashes of current events. What is real? What is fake? On the political stage, everything is simply a sham.


  • Composition • Eric Sleichim
  • Text • William Shakespeare
  • Direction • Ivo van Hove
  • Dramaturgy • Alexander Schreuder / Bart van den Eynde / Jan Peter Gerrits
  • Scenography • Jan Versweyveld
  • Video • Tal Yarden
  • Costume Design • Lies van Assche
  • Musical performance • BL!NDMAN
  • Actors • Alwin Pulinckx / Bart Slegers / Chris Nietvelt / Eelco Smits / Fred Goessens / Frieda Pittoors / Hans Kesting / Hélène Devos / Janni Goslinga / Marieke Heebink / Maria Kraakman
Location Dates Hour  
Koninklijk Theater Carré (Amsterdam)
+31 20 524 94 94