Two leading figures from Italian history inspired Muziektheater Transparant for the making of Orlando: Antonio Vivaldi and Ludovicio Ariosto. 

For this Vivaldi project, composer Jan Van Outryve has chosen a number of arias from his rich muiscal oeuvre, of course including pieces from Orlando furioso. Jan Van Outryve has adapted the brilliant musical themes from Vivaldi's operas, concertos and religious music for voices, strings, accordion, Hammond organ and percussion. Based on the lyrics of Ariosto he has also written new music that exudes the atmosphere of a moving contemporary oratorio, with great ideas and the age-old longing for love. 


  • Music • Antonio Vivaldi
  • Text • Ludovicio Ariosto
  • Set Design • Stef Stessels / deRoovers
  • Soprano • Olalla Alemàn
  • Violin • Wietse Beels / Wibert Aerts
  • Hammond • Niels Verheest
  • Accordion • Anne Niepold
  • Costume Design • Mijeong Jeong
  • Sound Design • Michel Vanderhaegen
  • Percussion • Norbert Pflanzer
  • Contrabass • Arne van Dongen / Joris Vanvinckenroye
  • Cello • Frans Grapperhaus
  • Bariton • Olivier Berten
  • Composition | Musical direction | Arrangements • Jan Van Outryve