Nest describes the inner journey of a young man looking for the bleeding bull inside himself. Played and sang by Steven Van Watermeulen, with music by Senjan Jansen.

A young man auditions for drama school and is asked to act out a bleeding bull. To do so, he searches inside himself, in his youth, his early loves and his relationship with his father. Only when he has struggled to find his own identity, and is as exhausted as the bleeding bull he is asked to portray, is he truly able to reconcile with him. Nest is performed by Steven Van Watermeulen with music and soundscapes by Senjan Jansen. It is about friendship and a sense of security and safety, about retreating and finding solace in each other, as we follow the young man into all his different worlds. 


  • Direction | Vocals | Play • Steven van Watermeulen
  • Text • Oscar van den Bogaard
  • Scenography • B-Architecten
  • Costume Design • Veronique Branquinho
  • Image • Manon de Boer
  • Composition • Senjan Jansen