Muziektheater Transparant and Theater Froe Froe bring this musical poem full of passion and fate, fear and mad hope. 

Dido is based on the classical tale of Dido and Aeneas, first written by Virgil and brought to the opera canon by Purcell. The opera is about love that is doomed because the duties of every day life cannot be reconciled with dreams, ideals ans passions. Queen Dido, in mourning for her husband, is unable to prevent the decline of Carthage. When the hero of Troy, Aeneas, arrives on her shores, it seems the perfect opportunity to help the queen forget her grief and wed again. The pair fall in love, but the gods remind Aeneas that his destiny is to found Rome. When he leaves, Dido buckles under the weight of grief and desperation and chooses death. Jan Van Outryve uses a colourful musical and vocal ensemble to create a new version of this classic. 


  • Sound Design • Geert Waegeman
  • Vocalists • Tiny Bertels / Jorge-Gaston Sister / Hannelore Vanheerswynghels
  • Puppeteers • Gert Dupont / Bob Selderslaghs
  • Instrumental Ensemble • Bert Bernaerts / Didier François / Norbert Pflanzer / Jan Van Outryve
  • Composition | Musical direction • Jan Van Outryve
  • Direction • Wouter Van Looy
  • Set Design | Puppets • Marc Maillard